Wednesday, May 2, 2012

An Old Poem

so... FINALS. My last one is tonight at 6. It's Math 1010. Boy will I be glad to be rid of that class. Anyway, as I was...erm... studying, I decided I should probably finish my writing portfolio that is due today. And guess what I found! A relic. A poem I wrote in 10th grade about male and female stereotypes. Maybe you could read it. And maybe you could leave a comment about what you think of male and female stereotypes. Ya? Cool. You guys are awesome. 

I Could Believe
by Tamela Daley

For example, Blocks.
Stacking rings.
Mr. Potato Head.
(What about Mrs. Potato Head? See what I mean?)
Those Little People that come in a family
their own house
their own car – 
A hole in front and one in back.
His and Hers.
So right away you have to make a choice.

And then I had a vacuum – 
red with a black handle and little wheels. I followed my mother’s vacuum through the family room,
down the hall,
every room in the house.
And I could believe
that the noise was coming from my vacuum.
That I was doing the work.
I was helping, you know?
I was important because I was helping. 

This is how we learn what we will become.

My brother had a Corn Popper.
It looked like my vacuum with a long, blue handle,
but at its base was a bubble, and balls that popped
like gunfire as he raced down the hall.
head down,
a soldier who would save the battalion
score the final touchdown,
earn a million dollars,
win the girl.

The good girl who is helpful and clean.

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