Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Lace Cardi's and Friends

Earrings:Rue 21; Cardigan: Ashley's closet; Tank top: My sister's storage boxes; Skirt: I've had it for years; Boots: Christmas last year

You should all know, that's not my cardigan. Though I really wish it was. I stole it from my roommate, Ashley, last sunday. Ya.. These pictures are pretty old. That's what happens when your camera dies. I like to pretend I'm a model sometimes, as shown in the first picture. But um, hello creepy knee! It's completely pointing in the wrong direction. Scary.

I've made some really good friends over the past three months (three months. Can you believe it?! I can't). And I'm so very glad and grateful that I was able to come up here to the University of Utah. But sadly, I will be leaving them next year (hopefully). After conference, I decided that I AM going to BYU next year. 

Since I've only really posted recipes, I haven't let any of you in on my predicament. The University of Utah has a fantastic film department. They have won all kinds of awards for their students film and some of the professors are world renowned. But here's the problem. They believe that unrated and rated R films are critical in learning about film. In every class you take, they will be showing a rated R or unrated film, and there are no accommodations.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and we have been counseled not to watch rated R films. And personally I feel it's wrong to watch them. So I was in a pickle as to whether I should transfer to the Y (where they aren't allowed to show movies above PG-13) or stay here and change my major.

In General conference this last weekend, many of the speakers talked about removing anything that will take away the spirit. Or getting out of situations that would keep you from feeling the spirit. And that was my answer. I need to go to the Y. So, I'm going to try my best and get accepted into the program. I still love Utah, and I'm still not a huge fan of the Y, but I know when I go there, I will change my attitude and have the best time of my life. And maybe I'll finally go on a few dates!


  1. Love that lace cardi girl. You are seriously rockin it.

  2. you are so freaking stylish i can't get over it!! i love it and i love you!
